Monday, May 02, 2005

Same Old Story, Same Old Song and Dance

I had a pair of conversations with my ex yesterday. They couldn't be any more diametrically apposed than a cod cutting itself in chunks and frying it's own ass.

I met her online the first time at around 7pm, it was about 10 pm her time. It was a good talk. I made her laugh while she played literati, we talked baseball, I wallowed in depression hoping for some support. Then she said I was talking to someone else. Well, I wasn't, so I said I wasn't. She said it looked like I was. I was understandably "huh?"

Apparently her AIM was saying I was typing words when I wasn't. I don't know how that little thing works. It doesn't take much to make her act like I'm a prep and she's Andy Sipowitz.
Ask any man if he has lied to his girlfriend, lover, wife, etc., and he says "no" he's a bloody fucking liar. It doesn't help that our relation ship was build on a bedrock of HER lies, but that's a story for another time....

Anyway, we rebound from said thing, I say I'm sorry for troubling her with my Emo tirade, we say our goodbyes. End scene.
I'm up late and online at about 3am she pops online. I was about to go to sleep but, hey, I don't get to talk to her since we broke up (We have always had a weird realtionship 'nuff said).
We get into it about the typing thing on AIM. Again I say I'm not talking to ANYONE. Ever since I broke up with her I have avoided chatting, IMing, forums, with anyone except friends I made on the east coast, who all happen to be MALE. I'm not gay, so they don't count! :P

She does everthing but calling me a liar, brings up the last week of our relationship. Yes, I didn't tell her the bar my friends were taking me to get me drunk were strip bars. It wasn't a lie, it was an omition. She hated the thought of me looking at naked women because it fed into her insecurity about her age and her looks. I didn't care about those things but she never believed me.
Blah Blah Blah, I'm so fed up with her I could spit, 4am rolls around she leaves abruptly. No goodbye. Probably because her sometime now current hubby or her kids came in the room.

I cannot fucking wait to get off A Oh Fucking Hell so I don't have to have that stupid fucking instant Messenger on showing me online all the fucking time! Fuck me, fuck my ex, fuck my stupid fucking life...


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