Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Funnier than a barrel of monkey-nuts...

As Martin Sargent used to say..."Dear Blog"
I haven't been posting lately because I'm back in the work force once again and it's kicking my ass. I've been working the closing shift at the Bullseye Barn (not it's real name) for the last two weeks (or is it three?). A different position w/ new people on my feet all day running, straightening, helping people find shit they don't need, step 'n' fetchit bullshit. My feet feel like raw hamburger at the end of the day and my knees feel like all the cartelidge is gone.
Tomorrow (Wednesday) is my Mom's birthday and I don't get my first check 'til Friday. Luckily she's cool with this and I'll get her something nice a.s.a.p. I will finally get to see Star Wars III tomorrow also. Yay for me. Two days off will be so nice.
Man, I need to get laid. If I don't get to spank one off before work I'm like a raw nerve whenever a hot chick comes into view. Then I wonder what type of girl would be interested in a guy like me and then well... hope dies another death like lovers in a madhouse.


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