Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Outlaw, Warrior, and a Man in Pain.

FARK.com: (1366083) Hunter S. Thompson killed himself

I've been reading the talkbacks over at Fark.com about Hunter killing himself. Most of them have been very literate and soulfull. But as with anyone who lived the way HST lived, the trolls come out of the woodwork. When you leave large bootprints on the earth like he did you make alot of enemies.
The first time I heard of him was from a teacher I had in high school. He named his son Hunter in honor of him.
I had just checked out one of his books that I hadn't read from the library a week ago, then this happens. I named this blog in reverence of him. "Songs of the Doomed" was the book.
He was recovering from a broken leg and other ailments. I have a suspicion that the pain drug they were giving him weren't cutting the mustard. I mean, when you spend a good part of you life taking drugs eventually you get a resistance to them. For all we know it was an accidend. The story is still in flux.
He was an American Patriot, told it like it was, burned the enemies of us all down with passion . His words were used like a switchblade in a streetfight. Brutal, sharp, dangerous.
He was a storyteller, he lived his books.
I wish I could be more....deft about all this. I admired the man's art. He will be remembered.


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