Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Comic Book Rant Part 1

I have collected comics for it seems all my life. Through thick and thin they are one of the constants of my life. I'm primarily a DC Comics fan but I've read everything at one time or another. Indys, Marvel, anything that was good at the time.
When you do something for an extended period of time you form your own opinions about the thing that you love.
Let's Start,
When I read a comic about a certain character, let's say Batman for a good example, I buy the damn comic to read about Batman. If it's a superhero team-book, like The Avengers, you can focus on any member of the group and get away with it. You can read an issue about The Beast and Wonderman on a road trip across New York State looking for the cinnamon Girl. Or Giantman and the Wasp shagging like crazed aardvarks for 26 pages. It doesn't matter. It could be a good read. Why Not?
But let's say the book has the name Batman on the cover. It stars Batman. He is presumably the star of the book. Big letters on the cover. He sells the book. As he should. Because HE'S FUCKING BATMAN, right?
Okay, let's say I'm douche bag indy comic book writer (not that all indy comic book writers are douche bag, just this one in particular). I get the chance to write for the big company that publishes Batman, Superman, etc. Mainstream characters, Iconic stuff that will be around long after I'm gone and the Republican have scorched the earth looking for the last bit of fossil fuel. Anyway, said writer lands a comic with one of these characters in it.
Now if it were me, I would cherish the thought of writing for my favorite character. Sure it's work-for-hire. Sure I don't own shit when I'm done. But to have the chance to put my mark on the Icon that I love would make me giddy. Make my Geek Heart weep with joy. Playing with the best toy in the toybox.
Okay, said writer lands a dream job, best toy in the box. The front of the book says BATMAN, who would you think said writer would write about?
No, think again.
Bruce Wayne's female Bodyguard.
Whoops, said bodyguard finds out he's Batman.
Huh? What?
Her POV the entire time.
Admittedly some people felated all over this. But they were people WHO DIDN'T READ BATMAN BOOKS IN THE FIRST PLACE.
Anyway, the bottom line IMO, if you're going to write a book about Superman, Batman, Wonderwoman, write about the main character. Call the book "The Adventures of Bruce Wayne's Boyguard". Otherwise it's a waste of my fucking time.
If you're writing a Star Trek story about Kirk, Spock and McCoy don't write about some Ensign on deck 11. Again, it's a waste of my fucking time. Call the Book "The Adventures of Ensign Kelso, Hypospray Cleaner". I don't care what you call it, just call it WHAT IT IS.
End of sermon, for now.

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