Thursday, July 07, 2005

My life is slowly killing me

I haven't added anything to this blog in a while. I've been in a world class funk as of late. The job has been leeching alot of energy from anything that gives me any joy. The turbulance of the last half year has left me with nothing to hang my hat on emotionaly. My friends in Baltimore have stopped writing me. Part of me understands this, people have lives and they move forward. The other half of me in lonely and just wants someone to gab at. Everyone at work has lives outside of work. They are either military wifes, have families and boyfriends and girlfriends to occupy their spare time.
Ontop of that to quote Greenday "masterbation has lost it's fun". I wish I knew someone wanted me. That someone would see me and the warm jelly inside my chest needing the peanutbutter of human closeness and say, why not?
God my head hurts,


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