My Feet Ache
I wonder what the use of it all is
As it all whizzes past me
Are the people we know just ledges and rocks we hit
On the way down
Ding and dent us
Maim or impress upon us
Leave us bloody and bewildered
Lighten us and make us high
In the end
Time bludgeons us all to death
Loved or unloved
Richer or Poor
Even depressed young old men
Like me
2:54 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove
Saturday, January 20, 2007
One More Before I Go
Current mood: melancholy
I'm getting sick of feeling like I have something to apologize for.
It takes so much force of will sometimes to look that in the eye and say:
Sometimes it feels like screaming at a room full of shadows hoping they'll speak to me.
Look at me, I'm flesh and blood, I'm not a monster. I bleed, laugh and cry. I walk around in invisible chains that weigh me down. I try so hard, too hard to be someone. Being me hasn't any room in this place. It kills me, but never enough to finish me. I wish I could cut it out and leave it leaking on the floor.
Just one more moment of beauty and I'll go quietly.
3:28 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove
Friday, January 19, 2007
Misery Never Has Company
Current mood: gloomy
I've come to the conclusion that I will be alone, misunderstood, and miserable for the rest of my life. I've come to find this just happens to me naturally as if karma is punishing me for being a mass murderer or a politician in another life, so, I might as well get used to it.
No matter how hard I try to find my way out of whatever this is it hits me on the back of the head with a wet phonebook. I just have to learn not to care and let it finish with my soul and stop fighting it.
"Help me kill my time/'cause I'll never be fine" - Elliott Smith
I don't pretend that I'm the only one who feels this way or that the way I feel is more important that anyone elses. There are plenty of people worse off than me. I'm not saying I deserve to be given anything. I don't want to be pitied. But I would settle for being understood. I don't want to be feared or talked down to. I can't stand being yelled at or preached to or belittled. Being loved is too much to ask. I accept what is given freely and feel guilty otherwise. I'd take a bullet for someone I cared for, I feel it's a noble way to die (if there is such a thing).
I'm rambling again....
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Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Electronics Boat Zombie Holocaust
Current mood: "This is my Boomstick, you primates!!
"It could always be worse," it's an axiom and it's very true.
I was talking to someone at work a week or so ago who was lamenting about always going to parties all the time with his friends.
I shit you not.
He was bored to tears with it and I found it quite funny. Grass is always greener I suppose. Maybe he'd rather be sitting at home all night, his phone never ringing once, writing a blog on myspace, while other people get drunk and laid?
Kinda, me?
Today I got so mad I thought I was getting a fever and was going to turn green and play Jenga with cars out in the parking lot. Working in electronics for most of the day has shread the last vestige of any hope I had in humanity what-so-fucking ever. "C'mon, people can't be That Stupid, can they?"
Oh contraire, mon fraire..
I wish we sold firearms at my store. There was a saying in the Old West "an armed society is a polite one". Either that or spike the Starbucks coffee and soda fountains with birth control pills and antidepressants.
Someday I hope I can be less of a miserable bastard and maybe people will like me. Maybe I need a good head shrinker, or an exorcist....or both.
1:50 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove
Monday, January 15, 2007
Elliott Smith - See Ya Later
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F@cked if I know...
I don't have pride in many things, probably because I'm my own harshest critic. When it comes to things I know I can do well I can be kind of anal about it. In some parts of my life I can be kinda lazy and I hate that. Well, maybe not lazy more like a procrastinator. I will think the living shit out of something before I go ahead and do it. I put myself through unspeakable horrors and then in the end I don't have the energy to go through with it anyway. Oh, and I also have found that I say the weirdest things trying to be funny and end up sounding like creepy homeless person talking to himself. No wonder wants to have anything to do with me. I wouldn't give my fucked up brainmeat to my worst enemy.
I used to think that all I had in my life was my job, but I'm beginning to wonder whether I'm just wasting my time. I spend the day trying my hardest to be the best I can be but I end up every night sitting in front of the computer alone. I think I can trace every misstep I've made with the opposite sex since I've moved back here to fear. Fear of becomming who I was before I felt love. When I moved to the east coast to be with her part of the reason I did it was because I thought this was my only chance to be happy. Okay, maybe not happy, but a close approximation. To be in a loving relationship with someone who loved me. Even though all the warning signs were there that I shouldn't have, I did it anyway.
Most people have hope that someone will come along, have that cushion of ego that tells them they're good enough, strong enough, and that people like them.
Well let's just say I don't have those things.
I'm more liable to believe the bad things about myself from people than the good things. It's a sickness. I mean, the last time I tried to tell someone I loved them I wrote her (yeah I wrote a letter) telling her all the reasons why I wasn't the guy she needed in her life, but how special I thought she was. It was like I was almost begging her to hurt me so I could feel...something.
And boy - howdy did she oblige.
Women are my kryptonite, they make me weak. Because of my dysfunctional nature I could never one of those guys who makes passes at women. Some people in the past have said to me that I'm a "flirt" and I don't get it. Maybe I'm like a moth to a flame, I don't know. I think I just assume women don't want me. It's not like I have much evidence to the contrary. I've always been like Ducky in Pretty in Pink. I'm the friend who wants the female lead but she really wants the handsome rich dude with a heart of gold.
I guess when you really boil it down to the gristle and bone I'm just afraid of being alone. I think everyone has that fear to a certain extent and I'm no different.
What's my point in all this ranting and raving?
Fucked if I know....
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Wednesday, January 10, 2007
I'm an Idiot
I'm guilty, at least I can admit it.
I'm a fucking idiot when it comes to interpersonal relations. I've been alone for most of my life so people have been a mystery to me. I'm so fucking naive, I might as well have crawled out of the womb. I can only relate this to high school because i was probably the least known student there. I was in fear most of my stay there. I guess it makes total sense when I look at my history. I was beaten by bullies in elementary school, I was ignored and abandoned through middle and junior high. By the time I reached high school i might as well been an alien living inside himself. Rumors, passing notes, crushes, the give and take of friendships in an emotionally charged environment. I wasn't involved, it was all the stuff of tv shows like "Square Pegs" and afterschool specials.
My job has become like that, she said he said about her and who she's hanging out with. And now, as I stumble around like a fucking buffoon with only half a clue. I can't tell who's telling me the truth and who's just telling me secrets or things they only half believe. Right now I've become so invested by it all and I can't handle it. I fucked up, plain and simple. I've become Mr. Awkward and I'm probably going to lose someone I thought of as a friend because of it. I'm not to be trusted anymore, so I'm just going to go away and leave everyone alone. I never really deserved it anyway.
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Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Yer Killin' Me
My day was fun.
I woke up at 2pm from a Nyquil induced coma and felt like shit. After I hacked and weezed at the shit in my lungs for a while my parents told me I should see a doctor. I couldn't really put up much of a fight, this thing has been weighing me down since thanksgiving. I decide I'll go see my doctor who's working down at 'doc in a box' over in del rey oaks. We get down there and after standing there calling out to an empty office for 5 minutes I sign in and they dig around for my folder. Turns out they don't take my insurance anymore, I was pissed.
Hop back in the car and go to a place in Monterey they recommended and luckily they do take my insurance.
Long story short, I have bronchitis. The doctor tells me because of the place and hours I work I'm more at risk when it comes to viruses. If I don't feel better in a week or two after taking the pills she prescribed come back.
Right now I feel as spry as a wet rag, but I'll try to get to work tomorrow. I don't know why I beat myself up for that place. I guess it comes down to the people I work with. I don't want to let them down, and right now it's all I have.
1:18 AM - 1 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove
Monday, January 08, 2007
Broken Glass
Category: Writing and Poetry
The stars above roll and dip
My stomach feels like broken glass
The field before us bounces as we run
My arm feels numb as stone
Wrapped around your waist
If I lose you I might die
You're my tether to the earth
You're my reason to keep breathing
The light in the distance beckons
Encroaching darkness chases close behind
I hear your breath in my ear
I smell your sweet skin
I hold on tighter
I grit my teeth 'til blood fills my ears
I'll carry you even when
The night crashes like a wave
But until then
I'll keep running
2:41 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove
Sunday, January 07, 2007
dining on ashes
I found my ex's sister's myspace page a month or so ago. She's one of the few people I hear from back in Baltimore (even if it's just a chain letter). She didn't hesitate in welcoming me with open arms when I moved there and I'll always be grateful for that. I haven't dared messaging her here because it would open up quite the can of worms I fear. I haven't heard from my ex since I sent her a birthday present in August. My birthday was a few weeks later, I didn't even get an email.
The whole experience seems like a lifetime ago. Back when I was loved for a while and had a second family. Looking back on it all it was a rolling train wreck of an affair that should have stopped before it started. But it had it's moments of beauty even if they were tinged with sadness. But I guess that's life, isn't it?
In life there are some things that you can't return (no matter how loud you scream at the team member at guest service)....
2:53 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove
Friday, December 15, 2006
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Thursday, December 07, 2006
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Friday, December 01, 2006
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Thursday, November 30, 2006
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Wednesday, November 29, 2006
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Sunday, November 26, 2006
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Thursday, November 23, 2006
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Monday, November 20, 2006
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Sunday, November 19, 2006
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Saturday, November 18, 2006 |
Friday, January 05, 2007
Best Commercial Ever
I don't know what it's for but...
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Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Think ( ing ) About The Future
With the new year upon me, I've been thinking about the future. I think my new years resolution last year was to learn to drive and to "get a life"
It appears I have done neither, but those type of resolutions (well, admittedly one of them) don't really get done. Getting a life is kind of a vague goal.
I've been thinking about the possibility of getting my own place. My parents have this small house in the back of our place that my sister and her family are living in now. It's about the size of a one bedroom apartment. I've always coveted that place hoping one day to have it for my own. Even with my niece and nephew growing like weeds it seems unlikely they will be moving out anytime soon. They always have one money making scheme or another all leading to them getting their own home.
Waiting for them isn't an option anymore, I fear.
When I lived with my ex we shared living expenses and I thought we were doing alright up until she kicked me to the curb. Of course from here to Baltimore is a pretty long fucking curb, but that's a alcohol soaked blog for another night.
To be honest I don't feel comfortable living with a room mate. Other than the one I was sleeping with being the exception. I'm just too paranoid and fucked in the head I think. Living at home and 'getting a life' seem to be at odds with each other. Not to mention I'm not getting any younger.
Please don't mention that. :)
I guess this leads up the point I've been dancing around : sex and the single male living at home. I guess I could have more of a possibility of having a social life if I had a place to bring people over to. Having friends over for drinks, etc. Not having to worry about a female friend encountering my father on her way to the bathroom in the middle of the night.
I can't be suave or debonair, I just have to be truthful about how my life is. As much as I wish that there was, there is no romance in my life.
With all the bad wiring in my head I'm beginning to wonder if part of me wants to suffer? Like the pain makes my empty existence mean something?
That may be too deep for me.
My new years resolution this year is "Try To Be Better".
Maybe that one I can do...
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Monday, January 01, 2007
Auld Lang Syne
If this past year had a grave I would drink heavily, dance like Michael Flatley having an epilectic fit upon it, then piss a half gallon of 5 year old scotch all over it, then scream obscenities at the tombstone before I passed out in a bush nearby. I'd wake up the next day just in time to watch the deer eating the flowers left by mourners the day before. The tulli fog would be just enough cover so I could stumble home without the neighbors calling the cops on me.
I made the mistake of drinking tonite, bad choice with the cold an all. I have one of those headaches that feels like someone kicked me in the side of the head with a steel toed Doc Martin boot. I don't know whether to take some migrane pills or my blessed Nyquil (for my congested nose and cough).
Finally after trying to lay down with some music in my ears I just couldn't reconcile the pain I felt and fired up the computer.
I tend to think about things too much, which can be a pain in the ass sometimes. You can get overwhelmed with the minutia of a problem and not see the big picture. To combat that I've learned that doing something now is sometimes better. At least in normal life situations. But, when the thing you're thinking about is so personal and delicate it should take time. Unfortunately I fall into the same trap. I've had panic attacks over things like that. It's horrible.
People...people kill me, my life is a series of failures when it comes to people. Sometimes I wish I could beat myself into someone people liked. Someone who wouldn't get shit upon so much for being so awkward. Maybe it's this place, I'm surrounded by beautiful people everyday, it's a fantasy to feel like I belong here, that I'm wanted here. I try so hard to be someone people can rely on I lose myself in the strain and struggle of it all.
I can't help but step back and look at my life and wonder where it all went wrong.
"Happy new year, motherfucker. Can I help you find something?"
Help me find my smile. I already checked the lost and found.
"Would you like a raincheck?"
Anyway, Happy New Year people. Let the new year be better than the last.
4:32 AM - 0 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Everyone Leaves
the wind's cold embrace
we clutch at each other
like cats trying to grip slick tile
some claw at the air
into the blackness
alone in their orbit
everything headed down
(or up)
into whatever lies beyond
the breathing life
some are stoked in the embers
of love's embrace
glowing brightly
energy never to be
snuffed out
others incased in vacuum
to tumble endlessly
worse than death
aimless and empty
stuck in their downward spiral
leaving nothing but
trails of atoms
into the black
then gone
from sight
1:45 AM - 1 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove
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