Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Grocery Shopping at the Alamo

I went grocery shopping with my Mom today. Well, not entirely grocery shopping. She likes to go to this thrift store called Savers on Monday mornings because they have a sale on stuff with a certain color ticket. She got me a nice coat for a good price and a couple of books. Ever since I came back from Baltimore it's been my job to go along with her to help out with grocery shopping. My Dad loathes going with her and I really don't mind. I usually get fed as part of the deal.
The place she likes to buy food at is enormous. Kind of like an airplane hangar without the airplane and replaced with rows of perishables and Mexicans with screaming babies. In times like those it's lucky that I don't have mind powers like Professor X.
"This just in, a rain of screaming Mexican children rained from the sky over the pacific scaring Japanese tuna fisherman in the area. Scientists say this type of thing only happens off the shores of Cuba, but never falling from the sky at Mach velocities. Greenpeace officials issue a statement condemning offshore toddler use. They also accused the military of using them as a ballistic weapon due to the abundance of them in California malls..."
I used to go shopping all the time with the ex back in B-more. They don't sell Tasty Cakes here which is a shame. Say what you will about the east coast, it seems like English is the more predominant language, even though they speak it with a funny accent...


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