Tuesday, April 26, 2005

...And So It Begins, Batman.

I have just read the article on 'Batman Begins' in the latest issue of Entertainment Weekly this evening. It left me with a sense of euphoria and a warm feeling in my stomache. I've been following the progress of this film for a long time. I'm a dyed in the wool Batman fan, I've been reading his books since...before I could read actually haha. It's important to me that the film does justice to the source material. Well friends, it looks like this one will Not Suck.
I, like many people, would love nothing more than to see Joel Shumacher thrown from a tall building with fish line w/ hooks wrapped around his small entestine and watch him unravel for 30 stories for what he did to the Batman films. He made Adam West's Batman look alot less embarrassing. If I saw Joel in person I would spit in his face, then ask for my $14.00 (both movies) back.
This one, Batman Begins, has got the Nuts my friends. Mark my words. I remember watching the first matinee of Tim Burton's Batman and leaving the theatre with goose bumps up both my arms. If Batman Begins gives me even half of that it will have done it's job.


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