Saturday, September 09, 2006

She looked at me sweetly, flashing her wicked smile.
"Wanna go for a ride?"
"Anywhere with you," was my reply.
It was no lie.
ANY where.
She could drive me to hell and I'd just turn on the air conditioning.
The air outside was moist and crisp with the fog rolling in from the bay.
As I left my warm house behind I looked inside her fast little car.
She sticks her tongue out at me.
Little scamp, daddy's going to have to spank.
Maybe later.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Thursday, September 07, 2006

"Blood on the Highway"
Current mood: cranky

All of this could probably be traced back to me not driving.
I could argue and have many valid points as to why I shouldn't be driving, but, in the end it's part of my problem.
The problem that is my life as it is now.
I don't get invited out to do things because I don't drive. I don't have a decent / living wage job because I don't drive. I can't invite people to do anything because I don't drive a car to transport anyone in. I could go on and on ad nausium.
Driving makes me nervious. I've had panic attacks just taking the test.
Blame "Blood on the Highway" also. A cautionary tale shown to us by my driving class teacher back when they still showed "film strips" on old projectors.
I know I'm dating myself, piss off.
Mangled bodies splattered all over the road, jutting out of mangled cars. Legs and brains laying in the road without their owners.
I wasn't even allowed to see rated R movies at the time and they were showing me this shit. Car as weapon of mass destruction. Marry that to my Dad driving around like Dale Earnhardt Sr. with me in the back hanging on for dear life (this was back before seat belt laws).
Can you say "childhood trauma" boys and girls?
Listen I know I need to learn how to drive, I have no illusions about that. Part of my social life as a human being has been lost because of this. Pile ontop everything else in my life and that's a road to hoe, brotha.
Anyway, that's me thinking again....


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Wednesday, September 06, 2006

In Dreams
Current mood: drained

Welcome to my place
I hope you don't mind the mess
It was such a surprise
Finding you there
It may have been the alcohol
But I feel light headed
Something about being around you
Makes me fly
It was so hot in that place
I needed to get out
The noise made it hard for me
To hear you
Forgive me for wanting
To hang on every word
It's been so long since
Someone made me feel
Time go so quickly
In a good way I mean
This whole night feels electric
Like I'm wired up like a kid
On Pixie Stix
You'll forgive me for acting so
It's the way you look at me
It makes me feel safe
Like I knew you before
Does it sound cliche?
My face feels hot
I need to sit down
Can I hold your hand?
If I'm running a fever
Or have the flu
If being here with you
Made me sick
I hope I never get well
I wish this were real
I wish it wasn't a dream
I don't want to wake
I just want to sleep.


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Monday, September 04, 2006

Dragging Low

Today I tried to take it easy. The last four days had taken their pound of flesh from me and I was achey and dizzy. I went out for a little while, walked around Borders with my Mom and bought some early christmas presents for my niece and nephew. My niece is a budding artist and I think that's pretty darn cool. I think I was the same when I was her age. I wish I had the energy to put twards my art that I used to.
I need a few more days to relax, maybe walk to the beach like I did a couple weeks ago. Work has gotten worse and worse lately. I'm afraid it's going to buck me off like an enraged bull before I can motivate myself to find something else. It's all getting old, unless something starts to look up my days are numbered in that place...
I had a really nice conversation online with a sister of a friend. It seems like whenever I'm attracted to someone they're either taken or severely not attracted to me. I need to start playing in a new sandbox or my crotch is going to drop off from atrophy.


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Sunday, September 03, 2006

Old Wounds, Old Friends, etc.
Current mood: contemplative

I'm thinking of visiting the east coast, the Baltimore area to be exact.
The place that I first found love and lost it.
It might as well have been a foreign country to me. They spoke with a different accent, ate alot of different things than what I was used to, different social climate altogether.
It was my home for two years.
It was my first time for alot of things. Living on my own, having and living with my first gf.
First snowfall, first blizzard, first baseball game (Camden Yards, Giants vs. Orioles), first concert (Everclear/Matchbox 20/Lifehouse- Baltimore Arena), First truly fucking hot summer (90 degrees 100 percent humidity).
First time getting drunk.
First time someone who loved me broke my heart
I still have friends there and it suprises me that they still remember me. I've always thought myself as a 'slip-under-the-radar' type of guy.
I still have alot of unresolved feeling for that place. Putting old ghosts to bed might be good for me. And having some fun with friends and raising some hell sounds pretty damn sweet from where I'm standing now.
I wonder if I should go see my ex. She's back with her ex-husband after she kicked me back across the country. I got really close with her family when I was there. There were so nice and made me feel like a part of them. I was so scared and homesick and it meant so much to me.
It's certainly something to think about.


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Saturday, September 02, 2006

"This is my boom-stick, you primates!"
Current mood: annoyed

When you work around the public as much as I do you get to hate people.
There, I said it.
On a busy day you get treated like the last human in a zombie movie. Everyone wants a piece of you. They all feel entitled to your undivided attention. They all want what they want NOW. It must be what it's like being a teacher for mentally disabled children.
There are signs for everything there. For the bathroom, for the price-scanners, for the departments, for the isles numbers, for the shit in the isle, for the service desk, etc. Do people take the time to read? Shit no.
The company doesn't want to spend the money to have enough people for the sales floor and the cash register either so we have to go back and forth thus insuring that neither job gets done to their satisfaction.
Not to say the people who work there aren't innocent. Some people come there to work and some come there to hang out and do less than zero and collect a check until someone gets wise and fires them.
One either shakes their head in the bull-headed futility of it all or goes insane.
My schedule insures that I don't have any life whatsoever. My take home pay insures that I have to live at home or live with an army of roommates for the rest of my life. Not having a life insures that I won't get laid like ever. Being depressed all the time pretty much dooms me from having any friendships or lasting relationships.
Need I go on?
Yes I'm being negative. Someone show me the light at the end of the tunnel isn't a train, goddamnit. Give me a reason not to be depressed for 5 fucking seconds.
I don't rant and rave and poor my heart out because I'm another Emo twit. I don't feel the need to put on an affectation that I'm so deep and moody either. Nothing annoys and dismays me more than when someone doesn't understand me. Understanding and communication are important to me.
Ah fuck it, enough ranting for one night....


Currently listening :
By The Afghan Whigs
Release date: By 05 October, 1993

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Friday, September 01, 2006

This Ain't About Regrets....
Current mood: frustrated

Tonite, due to circumstances unknown to me, I was wearing the team lead hat tonite. I was in twelve places at once and had to be right there right fucking now. I think I'm not enough of a person who gets off on ordering people around for that gig. I just tried to get things done the best I could and that's the jist of it.
I just wish I didn't have to do that AND do my regular job too.
Pile ontop of that some mr. big whig whoopie fucking doo is coming into town tomorrow morning, multiple call-offs, and not enough cashiers....
I need to lay down before I fall down.
God help the next person that attempts to get in my face about anything.


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Thursday, August 31, 2006

Wednesday's Child
Current mood: depressed

I try so hard
To keep it together
Seems like standing in place
Takes forever
Going faster just tires me out
Leaving sweat on my scalp
Trying to ignore my
Latest disaster
I need something to
Make it all okay
I need to be forgiven
For the holes in my soul
And the pitfalls within
I need an angel
To hold on tight
Help me say aloft
It's hard to feel
Anything but alone
It's not enough to talk anymore
Everyone seems so far
Everyone's afraid of me
That my gravity has failed
And the vacuum remains
Clutching blindly
Pulling in the light
Leaving only dark
'Til the sun blinks out
I fear that all my hurt
Will make me bitter and hard
Spirit crushed like
Waves on the shore
Make it go quickly
Or at least make it seem that way
I don't care which


Currently listening :
Hot Fuss
By The Killers
Release date: By 15 June, 2004

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Sunday, August 27, 2006

Storybook Story
Current mood: depressed

Once upon a time there was a boy who was a man.
He lived a long time with an old soul and a young heart in a city by the ocean.
The boy lived his life the best he can and tried to help people more than himself.
One day he found an odd feeling that he hadn't felt in a long while.
He thought that it was love but he wasn't quite sure.
It was for a beautiful girl who acted like a woman, one who didn't think of him as anything.
He knew this and tried to fight it.
As the loneliness grew in his life his heart took mattters into it's own hands.
Or to his wrist to be more precise.
One morning he woke up and found his heart had travelled to rest on his sleeve.
He was suprised to say the least.
His head had always won battles with his heart in the past.
But there it was, red and beating, on his arm.
He went to people he knew for counsel.
Hoping that they would help him bring closure to the drama.
This only made matters worse in his small community.
He was afraid of what the girl might think if he showed her his rebel valve-pump.
(she already seemed nervious around him already)
It seemed the only way to make it go away.
He grappled on how to say it.
He tried to show her in person.
The pain was unberrable and the heart thudded like a ticking clock.
In his desperation he even considered cutting it off.
But instead he wrote her a letter.
Opologetically stating how his heart felt for her, his brain knowing what a lost cause it was.
The heart was actually suprised when the golf club hit it.
She thought it was a bug, and reacted as such.
The man with the old soul knew that the heart was a metaphor but wasn't counting on the real pain.
Life hasn't changed for better or worse since that day. Days exchange names one after the other and move along and on. The man hopes he has learned from his mistakes but ....he knows better.

The End


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Saturday, August 26, 2006

Another One
Current mood: cranky

Shitty Shitty Fuck Fuck
Shitty Shitty FUCK
Another day at work
The place makes me think thoughts that shouldn't be allowed. Like I literally have to think like a rabid werewolf in order to get though the day.
I need a life, I need some affection, I need to wake up from a sound and restful sleep next to someone soft and warm and smells like perfume and vanilla.
I need a new drug.
I need to have one of those moments that makes me feel like god really exists.
Show me something you slacker! Might as well be talking to myself for all the good it does. Show me I'm wrong to think you don't exist, you douche!

Yeah, yeah, I know. Move along, nothing to see here....


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Friday, August 25, 2006

Everything Falls Apart
Current mood: tired

Everyone seems to be leaving or thinking about leaving.
Retail work works in cycles, people stay/ people leave. Even more so since the place is made up of military people and students for the most part. The work can be soul crushing and that throws people off too. It's like a giant rolling turd going down hill. People stick for a minute then get flung off covered in feces, or they stay stuck in the centrifical force and stay. The country side of their lives rolling about just out of reach while stuck in dung unable to move.
Sometimes you just want it all to hit a big rock that spatters you and the shit you're stuck in. You walk away sodden but free.
Until the money runs out. Time to find a new job!
Some people become friends, sometimes you hate their guts, most of the time they're "just someone you work with". I've had a long run, seen alot of people come and go, maybe I've overstayed my welcome.
Or maybe I'm just tired.


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Thursday, August 24, 2006

Current mood: melancholy

I wish
Like I do every night
That I can make it through tomorrow
That I can be strong enough
That I can keep it together
I wish I could just quit
Run away and hide
I'm not the man I used to be
Or maybe I just haven't changed enough
I wish I had an ego to deflect it
Or the social skills to bounce back from it
It just makes me mad
Self loathing after
Then depressed
And I can't stop it
Even when I know it's there
If only
If Only...


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Wednesday, August 23, 2006

My Missing Part
Current mood: lonely

I'm sitting in my room
It's getting kinda late
The clouds inside decide to part a bit
And I wonder where she is
Is she sitting in the dark like I am
Wondering if I exist
They say there's someone for everyone
But then they say alot of things
If I could save one small dream from harm
It would be that one
That even if I never met her
( if the fates want their last joke upon me)
The missing puzzle piece that my heart lacks
That she be loved and cherished
Made to feel wanted
That even if I spend my life alone
My missing part wouldn't be
I could live with that sacrifice
Knowing even if I'm not happy
Someone I love is
I wish that for anyone who's brought light to my life
Like the song lyrics go:
"I'm never going to know you now,
But I'm going to love you anyhow"


Currently listening :
By Elliott Smith
Release date: By 25 August, 1998

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